Show your clothes some love

Award-winning alterations and dressmaking parlour

Some of our favorites

Standard Alteraions

We specialize in nearly all aspects of tailoring and can help you with basic and intricate alterations needs.

Custom Clothing

Each bespoke piece reflects our client's uniqueness and is crafted using ageless tailiring techniques.

Formal Alterations

Our expert provide a highly personalised experience  from fitting advice to professional customizations.

Our Master Tailors

With an average of more than 20 years of professional tailoring, the expert tailors at TZY Swords can be trusted with your finest and most sensitive pieces. Our master are passionate about delivering a top-notch customer service experience coupled with the highest quality tailoring.

Our team consists of many industry-leading master tailors, seamstresses, studio managers, and customer service associates. We are extremely selective in our hiring process and go to great lengths to recruit the most skilled and talented employees.


Tour our studio

We curate our studio with a minimalist design, natural lighting, a calming scent and music to evoke a sense of comfort and sophistication for our clients. Our private spacious fitting rooms allow you to try on your garments comfortably and enjoy a unique and personalized tailoring experience.


Meet the team!

All of our Front of House are experienced professionals with years of experience in the field. They are dedicated to giving you the perfect advice. 


Izabela has been fashion designing for more than 25 years. 


Lisa is a professional dressmaker who specializes in bespoke tailoring. 


Paula is one of our youngest and most innovative artists.

Book an appointment!

Send us an email and let's set your consultation!

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